Linggo, Mayo 8, 2011

Even If It Is An Instant Term Life Insurance Buy The Policy From A Reliable Carrier

All you will have to do is to find an online broker if you are looking for instant term life insurance quotes. There are plenty of them; only make sure that such brokers are affiliated with reliable and healthy life insurance carriers. Frankly, there can be few hundred insurance carriers in the US alone, but not all of them are as reliable as some others are. Therefore, you must make sure that the carrier, which is offering the quotes have good credit rating and impeccable records as far as claim payment is concerned. Otherwise, your beneficiary may have to run from pillar to post to get what is rightfully his.

However, the question is; how will you know which one carrier is reliable? Firstly, experienced and efficient brokers, for their own reputation, will never associate themselves with second grade or unreliable carriers. Therefore, you can largely rely on them. Better still, you can check with independed and reputable credit rating agencies to make sure of the fact. Always remember, if any problem occurs, you will not be there to fix it.

It is a fact that a term life does not entertain any claim unless the insured dies within the stipulated term and so whatever transaction will be done, will be done only after you expire and if there is any problem at that time, your beneficiary may not have anybody to help her out. That is why it is important to select the carrier carefully. You will have to leave the rest in the hands of the fate. Let us instead concentrate on how you can receive the term life insurance quotes and what you must do next to get the coverage at a reasonable rate.

Every policy purchase begins with receiving quotes and so let us starts from there. Go online and visit some reliable broker. There can be two types of brokers; some will let you receive quotes anonymously while others will expect you to provide some sort identification. There may be others who ask too many personal questions at the very beginning. They may be fronts for others collecting your personal data for some other purposes. Therefore, beware of them. Be sure that such brokers have their names, contact information and the states they are licensed to work prominently pasted somewhere.

Let us now talk about steps to be taken once you find a reliable broker and visit him:
• You find a quote form and fill it up carefully. For a realistic quote, make sure that the inputs are as accurate as feasible.
• The broker’s search engine will then check the available plans to come with the ones that are most suitable for you instantly.
• It is now for you to compare, check, choose and apply.
• Now, you will be required to fill up anther form and if there is any problem, you can always contact the broker. He will be too glad to help.
• Once that is done, it is now time to wait for the medical form; but if you have applied for an instant term life insurance, you can just relax.

Instant term life insurance does not require you to take any medical test. It is hassle free and quick. All you need to do is to fill up an application form and apply. If you qualify, your family will start getting the coverage from the next day; that too for the full amount and death due to any cause except for suicide within first two years. If that is not convenient, what is?

If on the other hand, you are going for fully underwritten term life policy, you will have to take a medical test now. Do not worry! It is nothing but paramedical test arranged by the carriers at their cost, but your convenience. A paramedic will come to your place and time of your choice for collecting your blood and urine sample and taking measurement of your height and weight, blood pressure and pulse rate. Moreover, he or she will also note down your medical history and may ask a few questions on your life style and habits. That is all. 

Be careful about one thing though. While we talk about instant term life insurance quotes, we may not mean quotes for the instant term life insurance that offers the coverage within twenty-four hours, but instantly available quotes for fully underwritten policies that take four to six weeks to provide the coverage. Yes, that is how long such traditional policies take and that is why the instant policies, in spite of their higher cost are so very popular. Whatever it is, make sure you buy the policy from a reliable carrier. That is all.

You Need Not Compromise On The Coverage Amount Just To Receive Affordable Life Insurance

Are you insured? The answer is probably yes. Most people are. However, when asked if the coverage is adequate, there is always a hesitant reply! In fact, the life insurance rates are such that very few people can afford to be adequately covered. Consequently, the family has to suffer if they die before they have been able to meet up all their liabilities. Let this not happen to your family. Do not reduce the amount of coverage in pursuit of affordable premiums. Some like the term life is actually an affordable life insurance policy with low rates and high coverage.

However, very few know about the term life policies; in fact, very few people know what life insurance is and that there can be different kinds of it. Most take it to be a policy where you pay the premium at regular interval; after stipulated years, you cash out the policy to take home a neat sum, but if you die in the meantime, your family receives a fixed amount as death benefit. Well, they are also life insurance policies, but they are not the original life insurance policies; neither are these policies very much affordable.

The term life on the other hand is the original policy that developed over the centuries to meet the insurance requirement of ordinary folks. These policies are affordable and provide a large benefit at a very reasonable rate. That is why if you want an affordable life insurance policy, you should look for term life insurance quotes only. They are low and if you have been honest while filling up the quote form, you will get the coverage at a very affordable rate.

What will happen if you have put in wrong input while filling up the form? Nothing really; they will not deny the coverage, but the rates may differ drastically. Know that the quotes are always based on the inputs you provide, but the rates are provided after the thorough verification of such facts. That is why such policies take four to six week to complete the underwriting process and offer the final coverage; if you indeed are looking affordable life insurance coverage, you will have to wait that long.

However, there are also instant life insurance policies that provide instant quotes and instant coverage. You apply today and if you qualify, your family will start getting the coverage from tomorrow only and that too for the full amount!  Do you think I am joking? No, it is a serious matter; but before I go into that let me warn you that such policies are quite expensive, especially for those who are fit and do not use tobacco in any form. I will tell you why.

If you study the term life insurance quotes, you will find that to receive affordable life insurance coverage you need to fulfill certain conditions. At least, you have to be young, healthy and of right body mass index at the time of policy purchase. Moreover, you must not use tobacco in any form and must not have any kind of bad police or driving records. The carriers, to be sure of these facts, not only expect you to undergo a medical test, but also run you through different agency reports Moreover, the underwriters take time to look into details so that the insurers can have a fair idea about your longevity and fix the rates accordingly. Naturally, it takes time.

However, in case of these instant policies, they exempt you from taking the medical test and that is why such policies are called life insurance no exam. Another important point - because the carriers cannot be sure of your exact health condition and tobacco use without the medical test, such policies are quite expensive too. Therefore, if you are looking for affordable life insurance, do not avoid the medical test. Moreover, why should you? The medical test does not involve anything more that these:
• Taking measurement of height and weight, blood pressure and pulse rate
• Collection of blood and urine samples to check HIV, cholesterol, glucose, protein, creatinine, nicotine, cocaine etc
• Taking note of your as well as your parents’ and siblings’ medical history

Moreover, you do not have to go anywhere. A paramedic will be sent to do the needful. Therefore, unless you are mortally afraid of needle pricks or want to hide occasional cocaine intake, there is no reason why should you keep paying extra for the whole tenure of the policy. You can buy such a policy only if you are in hurry to get the coverage or if you are a heavy smoker or have ailments that will increase you rates automatically. Think twice before you go for them.

What Is So Special About A Term Life Insurance?

Insurance as an industry has been there since ages. Although we have heard about the burial clubs of Rome and the workers’ guilds in the middle ages, the concept did not catch up because people do not want to believe that, something bad may happen to them. Truly, people were not attracted towards life insurance as they found that unless they expired within the term, their immediate family did not get anything. It was only recently that the carriers started introducing the money back policies and the insurance industry began growing at a nice pace.

Money back policies are nothing but a mixture of investment and insurance opportunities. From a non-professional person’s view, it may really look tempting as you are acquiring double benefits while buying a single policy. However if you really think deep you must know that nothing is free in today’s world. These carriers are after all here to do business. Experts will tell you that you will do much better if you buy plain term life insurance for insurance purpose and invest the difference in lucrative offers such as equity markets and real estate.

However, the question is; what is a term life? What makes it so special? Let us have a look at that first:
• A term life is a pure life insurance policy that offers you nothing but plain death benefit.
• The policy is sold for a stipulated period such as 1/5/10/15/20/25/30 years. You will get nothing if you outlive the term even by a day.
• If availed at a younger age term life insurance rates are very cheap because under such a condition you have better chance of outliving the term.
• The rates are cheap because the entire premium is utilized to buy death benefit.

Now to avail a cheap term life policy you will have to do a bit of planning. The length of the coverage should be just right and so before deciding the term, you must calculate and find out that by which age you will have no more liabilities. That means your youngest child must be self-sufficient and all your mortgages must be cleared before the term is allowed to expire.  More importantly, as I have already said, you must buy the policy at an early age while the going is fine. The insurance company must believe that you will outlive your term.

Other than that, your present health is a great factor when you go to enquire about term life insurance quotes.  Tobacco consumption is something, which is not liked by the carriers. Therefore, please do quit smoking at least a year in advance. Maintaining a proper body mass index is another important factor. Leading a proper disciplined life will also enable you to avail cheap term life insurance. They collect reports from various sources such as motor vehicles or even police departments. Therefore, rash driving and other unlawful activities are also important factors. They may increase the amount you will have to pay as premium. 

Now once these carriers accept you into the fold you will receive an agreement copy. Your agent who sold you the policy may have promised you the moon. However, it is advisable that you go through the policy. There you may find that you are not covered in all aspects. It may be something related to your job or even a plain journey. It is here that if you feel that you are taking undue risks you can buy instant term life insurance

Now, what is instant term life insurance? How is it different from traditional policies? Actually, if you want to know, the USP of such policy is convenience. You just have to fill up an online form and you will be taken into their fold. The major difference here is that unlike the term life you will not have to undergo the standard medical tests. Here service is instant. The only big disadvantage here is that since you are not subjected to medical tests the premium to be paid is quite high. The middle class can only buy this policy for the short term.

This policy has its advantages to. It is in fact a good place to hide any odd niggles that you may seem to carry. If you are an addicted smoker or a cocaine user, this is the place where you can buy insurance. This is an ideal place for people who have the money but not the time to undergo standard medical tests. However, here some form of checking is done when they collect reports from various quarters about your general health and behavior. Your policy may be cancelled if they are not satisfied with the feedback and so beware.

Receiving Instant Term life Insurance Quotes Can Be Easy, Not Cheap Term Life Insurance Quotes

Once upon a time buying an insurance policy was taken as a lack of faith in God! Thankfully, we have left those days behind! If we face any problem, it is just about selecting the best policy out of the scores that are available today! However, that too is not a problem if you know your need. Ask yourself:
• Why do you want to buy the policy? Is it for making sure that your family is well taken care of even if you die before you have been able to make sufficient arrangement for them?
• Can you afford a high premium rate? If you cannot and yet want sufficient life insurance coverage for your family, you should straight away opt for term life insurance.

However, you must know that a term life does not offer any scope for cash value accretion. There are other policies such as whole life, universal life and variable universal life, which will provide a scope for capital building if you want that; but if you want adequate protection as well, you will have to pay at a very high rate. That is because these policies use a part of the premium you pay to develop the cash value separately from its face value.

However, there is a catch. If you die while the policy is in force, your family will get only the face value as death benefit; the carriers will keep the accumulated cash value back as the part of their profit. That is why it is always advised that you should buy a term life for adequate protection even if you can afford the higher rates. You can always invest separately to develop your estate. Indeed, term life insurance rates are such that you can do that easily without compromising on the day-to-day expenditure.

However, term life rates depend on many factors. For instance, a decreasing term life insurance is cheaper than the traditional one. Indeed, there are quite a few types of it; each of them has different advantage and different rate. The most common type is the level term insurance, but there is also the annual term life insurance, valid for a single year. The level term policies on the other hand, are sold for 5/10/15/20/25/30, years and their rates are based on the summed cost of each year’s annual renewable terms rate and remain fixed for the entire tenure.

The decreasing term life insurance is also a level term, but with a difference; the coverage amount under this policy keeps decreasing over the years and so the rates are quite cheap. They are more suitable for covering mortgages and loans; but not dependent care. Then there are increasing term life insurance, return of premium policies, life insurance no exam. Then there are also convertible policies that allow your term life to convert into a whole life any time you wish without having to provide the proof of insurability.

Now, whatever be the policy, the process of purchase always begins with going online to receive instant term life insurance quotes. Yes, you can also trudge along to the broker’s office for that; but in these days when all the transactions are done through internet, there is no point in that. Just visit some online brokers; you will find the quote form posted on their site, fill it up and then hit the relevant button. You will automatically have relevant quotes from affiliated carriers posted in a minute. It is as easy as that.

Or is it? Actually, receiving instant quote can be easy, not cheap term life insurance quotes. For that, you need to do some homework. Of course, in most cases, you cannot do much. For instance, younger you are lower will be the quotes; but if you are already forty-five, you cannot do much about it. Women too get the policy at cheaper rate, but if you are man, you cannot do anything either. The same is true about your health condition; most of which is beyond your control. However, do not up in despair.

Since having the correct body mass index is important for cheap term life insurance quotes, you should do everything necessary to keep it under control and should also take pains to maintain the level of your blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, urea etc. normal. Also, see if you can give up tobacco use, however you have to remain free from that for a year at least to qualify for lower rates. Also, make sure that the coverage amount and coverage term is just right for your need. Too big will make the rates go up while too small will make them insufficient. As I said, for cheap term life insurance quotes you need to do some homework.

Why Should One Buy A term Life Insurance Policy: An Overview Of FactsWhy Should One Buy A term Life Insurance Policy: An Overview Of Facts

What is life insurance? To understand it better, you ought to know what is meant by the term insurance. If you look at the dictionary, you will find that to insure is to get protection from some undesirable occurrence (that may or may not take place) by making some contingency plan or by adopting some precautionary measures. Accordingly, life insurance is a contact between the insurer and the policyholder whereby the policyholder promises to pay certain sum to the insurer against which the insurer promises to pay certain sum as death benefit to the beneficiary of the policy should the insured die while the policy is still in force.

Now, this may seem perplexing to some because the reality seem something else. Yes, all life insurance policies provide death benefit on the death of insured, but most provide a chance to buildup one’s capital and most people buy those policies for that reason only. While that is true, you should know that there can be quite a few types of it and most offer such invest opportunity as added advantage only on added payment only.

Truly, a pure life insurance policy such as the term life insurance, does not offer anything other than death benefit. It is also the original policy, which started long ago in the form of a burial club in the seventh century Rome. However, due to short sightedness of the policyholders such a policy never became very popular. They could not appreciate the fact that in spite of paying for 20/25 years no claims can be placed simply because the insured is alive and so they lost interest in the product.

The Investment policies were evolved much later to meet the market demand created by such a mindset and they became popular overnight. The advantage here was that:
• Whether you die or live, you are getting something back as return. However if you think deep you will see that it is not the case as it seems so. It is simple that since you are enjoying double benefits you are paying double money too.
• These policies are valid for the life of the insured and there is no chance of you outliving the policy and having to live uninsured. However, you must remember that nobody needs life long protection; thirty years is long enough for that.

Anyway, once these policies were out in the market, you had people queuing up to buy these policies. However, of late people have come to realize that these policies are not simply over priced, but good neither as an investment tool nor as an insurance option. If you ask the experts today, they will ask you to buy the term life for insurance purpose and since it costs very little, use the difference for investment purpose. If you think that such a solution is impractical, just go online to receive instant term life insurance quotes and you will know.

You can have term life insurance coverage at a very low rate if you are in your thirties and of average health condition. Being tobacco free is another important condition. In fact, cost of any life insurance policy, term life or not, depends on four main factors – age, gender, tobacco use and health class. If these four factors tally with the underwriting guidelines followed by a particular insurer, you can get the coverage at a very reasonable rate and if it is a term life, you will get it at a very nominal rate.

Therefore, if you are looking for cheap term life insurance quotes, apply when you are still in mid thirties. The rates start increasing after you cross forty and you may find them unviable once you are in your mid fifty. In fact, if you are in your fifties and still need the coverage, you must look for graded life; such policies have been conceived with people like you in mind.

The next important point is gender; but you cannot really do much about it. Although women get the coverage at a lower rate because they have longer lifespan, you cannot do much about it. Tobacco use as well as high body mass index can cause many diseases later on and so they also increase the rates to a large extent. Also, know that the health class involves something more than personal health and so if you are not sure about it find that out first using the guideline provided by the brokers. In short if you are looking for cheap term life insurance quotes, you need to do some home work first.

Instant Term Life Insurance Quotes May Not Refer Only To Instant Life Insurance Policies

It is true that death may come any time. You can get up one morning hale and hearty and by evening you may find your corpse lying in a cascade in some unknown funeral home; it is nothing unheard of; an accident, a lunatic’s bullets or a terrorist’s misplaced zeal may see you through. That is why if you have a family to take care of and no life insurance coverage to speak of, you must get one immediately. If you can choose one correctly, it will make sure that your family will not have any pecuniary problem at least.

Of course, even the best life insurance policy cannot replace a caring husband or a loving father; all it can do is to see that your family has the roof over its head, food on its plate and the members do not have to give their aspirations due to lack of funds. However, as I said, for that you have to choose your policy correctly so that it can provide adequate coverage without straining your budget.

A life insurance policy should be affordable because along with the future of the family you have the present to look after as well; moreover, if the rates are too high you may be tempted to give it up if the going becomes difficult! That is why experts generally do not recommend instant life insurance policies such as a life insurance because such policies are overpriced to compensate the risk undertaken by the carriers while providing the instant coverage.

If you are not aware, a life insurance no exam is a term life insurance valid for stipulated years and provides nothing but death benefit. Therefore, unless the insured dies within the stipulated term, no return can be expected. Consequently, for all the excess payment you make, you do not really receive anything extra. However, nothing exists under the sun without any usefulness and so such instant life insurance policies have some usefulness too. For example:
• Since these policies offer the coverage without taking that mandatory medical exam, the entire transaction can be completed online. You do not need entertain any insurance executives or paramedic.
• If you hate needle pricks or intruding questions on health matters or lifestyle, such a policy is for you.
• You can even hide occasional cocaine use because no blood test is involved. Tobacco use too can be hidden, but the rates include such a chance.
• If you already have some non-terminal ailments that can increase the rates, you can buy such a policy to save yourself the hassles involved with regular policies.
• You can get the coverage within twenty-four hours while standard policies take four to six weeks.

Therefore, it stands that the instant life insurance policies have their usefulness, but you are looking for something affordable, they are not for you. In such a case, look for traditional level term insurance that guarantees level and affordable rates for the entire term duration. To begin the process of purchase, go online to look for instant term life insurance quotes.

You must remember that the instant quotes do not necessarily refer to instant policies such as life insurance no exam; but it refers more to the process where quotes can be had instantly. All you will have to do is to fill up the quote form taking care to provide accurate information. Once that is done, just hit the submit button and quotes from various insurers will start appearing on your screen within seconds. Now, it is time for you to compare, choose and apply.

Now, what should be the criterion for the choice? Cheap term life insurance quotes are always tempting, but that cannot be the only detriment. You must first make sure that the coverage – both the tenure and the amount – is sufficient for your need. Generally such policies are sold for 1/5/10/15/20/25/30 years; you should buy the policy for few more years than you need. Remember, buying the coverage later in life can be quite expensive. Consider factors like your age, your children’s age, how far before mortgage can be cleared and bank balance made before fixing the term.

To determine the coverage amount consider your income and expenditure, assets and liabilities, the lifestyle and aspiration of your family members. However, an easier process is to multiply your annual income before tax by fifteen. Needs calculators are available online for free use; you can use that too. In short, make sure the coverage amount is just right. Too big a coverage can increase the rates while too small an amount will defeat its purpose. If you indeed want lower quotes, take good care of yourself and appear for the medical examination. That is all.

If You Want To Receive Cheap Term Life Insurance Quotes You Must Fulfill Certain Conditions

Did you know that, not long ago, fire insurance was more popular than life insurance? In fact, if you look back into the history, you will find that the first insurance company in the United States opened in 1732, but it was not until 1760s that the concept of life insurance entered the US market. Even now, you will find a large percentage of US population living without any kind of life coverage. It is not that they do not understand the importance of life insurance; it is simply that they do not know cheap life insurance policies are readily available even in these days of rising inflation.

If you find that little perplexing, meet some insurance experts to find more about term life insurance. These are pure life insurance policies aimed at providing adequate coverage at low rate. Or may be I should put it a little differently to say that while other policies are overpriced to provide extra options, these policies are priced exactly to provide the required coverage at an affordable price.

Indeed, there can be two reasons why the term life rates are low in comparison to other policies:
• The premium you pay for a term life does not buy you anything other than death benefit while in all other policies, a part of the premium you pay is utilized to develop a cash value separately from the death benefit. That is why while the term life insurance rates can remain low, all other policies are essentially more expensive.
• Moreover, the term life is a temporary policy valid for 1/5/10/15/20/25/30 years. Now, even if you buy the policy for thirty years (nobody should need coverage more than that), there is a big chance that you will outlive the policy. According the terms and conditions, claims are payable only if the insured dies within the term and so in most cases the policies expires without having to make any payout.

Therefore, if you cannot afford the more expensive cash value policy, you can always buy a low cost term life insurance to look after your insurance needs. If you are young and healthy without tobacco use, you can get the coverage at a monthly premium, which cost less than a restaurant meal! You may find that surprising, but that is how cheap a term life is, provided of course you meet the carriers’ underwriting guidelines closely enough. Otherwise, you may find the rates to be higher, but not as high as most cash value policies have.

Now, what are those guidelines are? Frankly, each carrier follows a separate set of guidelines. However, the variation is found in the details only; the principle is same. You can know more about it if you talk some life insurance experts dealing in term life; but if you receive multiple quotes and study them, you can have a fair idea about the whole process.

However, let me tell in short the criterion for receiving cheap term life insurance quotes. As we have already pointed out, one has to be young and healthy without tobacco use. The best rates are available if you are in your thirties; if on the other hand you are on the wrong side of fifty and still need the coverage, a graded life insurance policy is perhaps a better option. The next criterion is your health.

It is not only import to be healthy and devoid of any ailments at the time of policy purchase, before they offer lower rate, they want to make sure, you will remain healthy in near future too. That is why higher body mass index as well as tobacco use has the potential to increase the rates. The rates are also increased if your blood relatives have diseases that are of hereditary nature. For example, if your parents or siblings have developed or died some coronary diseases before the age of sixty, you will have to pay at a higher rate.

Now, how do the carriers can know about your exact health condition? The answer is simple; to be sure about it, they not only make you undergo paramedical test, but also run you through Medical Information Bank for all types of information. However, if you want, you can avoid the medical test simply by opting for life insurance no exam. Look for them for getting an immediate coverage and that too in a most hassle-free way. However, if you are looking for low cost term life insurance, you are sure to be disappointed. These policies are term life, but not at all low cost.

Level Term Life Insurance Ensures That The Term Life Insurance Cost Will Forever Remain Viable

Today with the passing of time, people in general have become more responsible, more caring, and more conscious about themselves and their family. It is no secret that insurance as a means of protection is gaining popularity slowly and steadily. If bought at the right time and at the right price it can be more than a handful. The secret of living a peaceful and hazard free life is to buy low cost life insurance so that whatever happens, you never find it unviable and feel compelled to give it up.

However, before you visit any broker wanting to buy insurance, there are certain points, which you must first look into.  Actually, unless you are well prepared, such a visit will make you more confused. You will find many policies, some promising handsome returns and you will not know which one to take. However if you broadly classify them you will find that they are of two categories. The first type is the money back policy while the other is the traditional term life policy.

Although a term life offers you nothing but death benefit, experts generally recommend them if protection of your family in case of your early expiry is your main concern. The term life insurance cost is always low, but the benefit it offers is quite high. However, that does not mean that its rates are all uniform. There are various types of term life and the rates also vary accordingly. We will go into that first.

All term life insurance policies can be divided into two basic categories. One is annual renewable term and the other is level term life insurance. Now the former, as its name suggests is valid for a year only. Such a policy is sold for one year and the death benefit can be claimed only if the insured dies within that year. If he does not and need further coverage, he can buy fresh coverage, albeit at a higher rate. As very few healthy people die within that period, such policies cost very little, but they can have disadvantages too.
• If your need for a longer period, such policies have the potential to become unviable; as each year will pass, your age will increase and your health will deteriorate, both of which will increases the term life insurance cost
• If you develop some terminal disease in the meantime, the carriers will refused to sell further coverage.

However, the later point can be handled simply by inserting a compulsory renewable clause in the contact, but you cannot do any thing about the former and that is why expert generally recommend the level term life insurance for long-term protection. Though these policies are officially sold for 5/10/15/20/25/30 years, 10/15/20/25/30 years tenure is more common. What is more, since their rates depend on the sum of each year’s annual renewable rates, they may seem a little too costly in the beginning, but it will never turn unviable.

Therefore, if you are looking for cheap term life insurance quotes for long-term protection, always go for these policies. Only remember to determine the required term first. It should be a little longer than actual requirement so that whatever happens, one does not need to buy new coverage later in life because if you have to do that, it will be anything but low cost life insurance.

However, it is important to know that there can be other types of variation too. If the coverage amount keeps decreasing over the years as in mortgage insurance, it is known as decreasing term life; if it keeps on increasing over the years to meet additional expenditure it is called increasing term life. Then again, the return of premium policies return all the paid premiums if the insured outlives the term, but they are little overpriced to allow for that.

Life insurance no exam is also more expensive than standard policies are because it provides the coverage without putting the insured under any medical exam and that too overnight. Here the advantage is that you may avail insurance in spite of having the odd niggles. However, you cannot hide anything major here. While they do not conduct any tests, they do collect reports from various quarters about you in general. Thus if they find anything worthwhile your insurance policy will be cancelled. Therefore,  be a little careful about the whole matter and choose a policy that suits you most.  

Do Not Be Misled; Buy Only Low Cost Term Life Insurance

Whatever your other financial plans may be; you must not neglect to buy a life insurance policy. You are after all earning money to meet your family’s need and such a policy takes up exactly that responsibility in case of premature death. Therefore, you must buy a life insurance policy to take care of your family in your absence. However, most of the time, one finds the life insurance rates to be unaffordable. In such cases, people generally tend to live uninsured; but there is another alternative.

Before we go into that, you must realize that there are different types of life insurance policies and not all of them have high rates. Today most of the policies you hear about are actually investment policies that also provide some insurance benefit. These have been introduced with the objective of increasing sales because original term life policy failed to attract the interest of the policyholders. Well, we must say that the fault did not lie with the policy, but with the understanding of the policyholders.

You too may think that, in spite of their higher life insurance rates, such investment policies are better than a pure policy like a term life is. However, that is not the case and to understand that you will first have to understand what a term life policy is and then differentiate between life insurance and investment. While you may look for better avenues for investing such as equity markets, it is better to opt for the low cost term life insurance when you are looking to buy protection for your family.

Now, what exactly is a term life? As I have already said, the term life is a pure life insurance policy and it follows the principle of insurance quite closely. Let us see how:
• Just as every other insurance policy, a term life pays the benefit only when the insured incidence takes place. Just as an auto insurance pays the benefit only when the car is stolen or has an accident, the term life pays benefit only when the insured dies.
• Like all other insurance policies, term life too is valid for a limited period and so the claims can be placed only if the person dies within the valid period.
• Thirdly, like all other policies, most of the time a term life also expires without having to make any pay out because the insured incident rarely takes place within that stipulated period.

Yet, policyholders did not like the idea of paying for years and getting nothing out of it and so they stopped getting their life insured. Left with no choice the carriers borrowed features from the mutual funds and introduced whole life policies with the objective of increasing sales and such policies caught the fancy of the customers just like a forest-fire.

Soon more and more policies such as universal life, variable universal life were introduced. Although these policies can be cashed out once the need for life insurance coverage is over, they are failure as far as such need is concerned. Just receive instant term life insurance quotes from any online broker and compare that with the price structure and corresponding face value of any other policy and you will know why we say so.

It is a fact that compared to the term life cost, all other policies are overpriced and that has to be done just to cover the cost of the added opportunity offered by the investment policy. At the same time, if you compare the return offered by such a policy with the return offered by a mutual fund or equity market, you will find that here too you stand to lose if you buy a whole or universal life policy. Therefore, if you want protection for your family look for cheap term life insurance quotes and start the process of purchase. You can always invest the difference in a suitable fund for capital building.

Always buy the policy early in life and therefore, if you do not have any protection yet get one as fast as possible Remember, your age and health at the time policy purchase is mainly considered by the carriers while fixing the life insurance. Younger and healthier you are lesser will be the rates. Therefore, please buy insurance when you have age on your side. Also, calculate the coverage term carefully so that it covers the vulnerable years. Buying coverage later in life is not at all viable; if your health condition deteriorates, you may even be refused coverage. Therefore, buy it today, but buy it enough deliberation. Do not be carried away by the lucrative returns promised by the investment policies.

Few Steps You Can Take To Make Your Cheap Term Life Insurance Even Cheaper

It is quite ironic that in spite of it being the original policy, few people have actually heard of term life insurance. It is more ironic that if you are looking for full protection of your family at an affordable rate, no other policy is as suitable as a term life is! Policies such as whole or universal life may seem quite tempting, but experts say that they are neither suitable for insurance purposes nor for investment. If anybody gets any benefit out of them, it is the insurance carriers. That is why they put more thrust on their sales and marketing.

Anyway, we are not here to talk about the defects in other policies, but to discuss why you should buy a term life and if there is anything you can do to get better coverage at cheaper rate under this policy. First, let me make it clear that a term life is valid for a limited period and it does not provide anything other than death benefit.  If you find that unacceptable, look at other form insurance such as auto insurance, home insurance etc.

All kinds of insurance policies pay the benefit only when the insured event occurs and all of them are valid for limited period such as one year. You have to renew them every year if you want to continue with the coverage; otherwise, you will have to live uncovered. This is what insurance is all about and a pure life insurance policy like a term life is no different from that. Other policies, which offer cash value accretion along with insurance opportunities, do that only because you pay for it. However, that is a different story; let us now concentrate more on making your cheap term life insurance even cheaper. 

It is a fact that the term life insurance rates are cheap because the entire amount you pay as premium is more or less utilized to develop the face value of the policy; only a small amount is used to meet up the administrative cost. Another basic reason is that, like every other insurance product, the pay out is very limited because very few people actually die within the valid period. However, if you want to make that even cheaper, you will have to take certain steps.

Now, what are those steps? Before we go into it, let me tell you that the purchase procedure always starts with receiving term life quotes. Such quotes are actually estimated price and unless you provide the inputs carefully, you may be for a nasty surprise and the quotes may vary substantially from the actual price. Therefore, receiving cheap term life insurance quotes is not enough; make sure that they translate into cheap rates as well.

Now, let us get back to original point. If you want cheap quotes, you should keep an on the following factors:
1. Age is important. Buy the policy while you are still young healthy
2. Gender too is important because women have longer lifespan and hence lower quotes.
3. Make sure your weight is proportionate to your height. Higher body mass index may lead to disease and consequently to higher quotes.
4. Tobacco use also leads to many diseases and consequently to higher quotes.
5. Health class is important. It involves apart from your personal health, your family’s medical history as well as many other factors well within control. Study that and do whatever you can to improve your health class.
6. Also, determine the coverage term and amount correctly. They are directly proportionately to them.
7. Yearly payment mode is the cheapest.

Another point to remember is that there are different types of term life policies and some like the life insurance no exam or return of premium policies are essentially more expensive. While the former exempts you from taking the mandatory medical test, the later returns the entire paid premium if the insured outlives the policy. However, if you talk about convenience, no other policy is as convenient as life insurance no exam is. Their rates are high because they take it for granted that you will have some minor problems.

Life insurance no exam not only allows every transaction to be completed online; the system is such that you can have the coverage within 24 hours. However, do not think you can have the coverage in spite of having any major illness. While you can get away with the odd niggles these carriers collect reports from various quarters. If they find anything wrong, they can reject your application. Thus, even here it is very much the same. The only major difference here is that the premium is quite high and things move faster here.

Martes, Mayo 3, 2011

Few Steps You Can Take To Make Your Cheap Term Life Insurance Even Cheaper

It is quite ironic that in spite of it being the original policy, few people have actually heard of term life insurance. It is more ironic that if you are looking for full protection of your family at an affordable rate, no other policy is as suitable as a term life is! Policies such as whole or universal life may seem quite tempting, but experts say that they are neither suitable for insurance purposes nor for investment. If anybody gets any benefit out of them, it is the insurance carriers. That is why they put more thrust on their sales and marketing.

Anyway, we are not here to talk about the defects in other policies, but to discuss why you should buy a term life and if there is anything you can do to get better coverage at cheaper rate under this policy. First, let me make it clear that a term life is valid for a limited period and it does not provide anything other than death benefit.  If you find that unacceptable, look at other form insurance such as auto insurance, home insurance etc.

All kinds of insurance policies pay the benefit only when the insured event occurs and all of them are valid for limited period such as one year. You have to renew them every year if you want to continue with the coverage; otherwise, you will have to live uncovered. This is what insurance is all about and a pure life insurance policy like a term life is no different from that. Other policies, which offer cash value accretion along with insurance opportunities, do that only because you pay for it. However, that is a different story; let us now concentrate more on making your cheap term life insurance even cheaper. 

It is a fact that the term life insurance rates are cheap because the entire amount you pay as premium is more or less utilized to develop the face value of the policy; only a small amount is used to meet up the administrative cost. Another basic reason is that, like every other insurance product, the pay out is very limited because very few people actually die within the valid period. However, if you want to make that even cheaper, you will have to take certain steps.

Now, what are those steps? Before we go into it, let me tell you that the purchase procedure always starts with receiving term life quotes. Such quotes are actually estimated price and unless you provide the inputs carefully, you may be for a nasty surprise and the quotes may vary substantially from the actual price. Therefore, receiving cheap term life insurance quotes is not enough; make sure that they translate into cheap rates as well.

Now, let us get back to original point. If you want cheap quotes, you should keep an on the following factors:
1. Age is important. Buy the policy while you are still young healthy
2. Gender too is important because women have longer lifespan and hence lower quotes.
3. Make sure your weight is proportionate to your height. Higher body mass index may lead to disease and consequently to higher quotes.
4. Tobacco use also leads to many diseases and consequently to higher quotes.
5. Health class is important. It involves apart from your personal health, your family’s medical history as well as many other factors well within control. Study that and do whatever you can to improve your health class.
6. Also, determine the coverage term and amount correctly. They are directly proportionately to them.
7. Yearly payment mode is the cheapest.

Another point to remember is that there are different types of term life policies and some like the life insurance no exam or return of premium policies are essentially more expensive. While the former exempts you from taking the mandatory medical test, the later returns the entire paid premium if the insured outlives the policy. However, if you talk about convenience, no other policy is as convenient as life insurance no exam is. Their rates are high because they take it for granted that you will have some minor problems.

Life insurance no exam not only allows every transaction to be completed online; the system is such that you can have the coverage within 24 hours. However, do not think you can have the coverage in spite of having any major illness. While you can get away with the odd niggles these carriers collect reports from various quarters. If they find anything wrong, they can reject your application. Thus, even here it is very much the same. The only major difference here is that the premium is quite high and things move faster here.

Article by David Livingston of, a website with the best low cost term life insurance and affordable life insurance information in the country.