A good life insurance policy can provide your family with financially security after your demise. It can help them clear off all the existing debts and to save some money to take care of immediate expenses until they get settled down. Hence getting a good life ins quote is very important because a quote is the first step towards finding affordable life insurance policy. At dedicated online insurance websites, we can find multiple quotes, comparison of rates and fantastic discounts. In this way, we can get the best possible rate of life insurance without going through much trouble.
Apart from finding out how much each plan costs, you can even see what each type of insurance offers and settle on one with the best value. Most experts recommend two ways of getting low cost life insurance through a local agent or online. If you choose to go the online route, there are different ways to go about this too. One method is to visit websites of different insurance providers and get individual quotes from them. Then, you can make a note of each ones rate and settle on the best one for your needs. On the other hand, there are portals where you can ask for quotes from multiple insurance companies at one time.
The above method has some advantages You will receive quotes from companies which you are not acquainted with till then. By getting this type of life insurance quote on line, you get a broad range of costs and insurance rates. This will give you a good idea about the average rates prevailing in the industry and also it will let you make an informed decision. Most insurance portals will provide information about even 10 companies. However, a portal cannot cover all insurance companies. So, visit different portals to get quotes from multiple companies.
Most insurance quotes will ask you for similar information, and once this information is input, you will receive an instant quote online. The following are the common questions asked in insurance quotes:
Full name
Tobacco usage
General health questions
Job description
The type of insurance you request a quote for could determine the number of questions you need to answer. For permanent life insurance policies, you will need to answer more health related questions while for a term life insurance you may need to give less information. Some of the health related questions could be your height - weight ratio, cholesterol levels, Blood pressure and such. Always remember that life insurance rates are directly linked to the health of a person. A young, healthy person who is fit, slim, has no high blood pressure and who does not smoke can get low cost life insurance.
On the other hand, an overweight, older person who smokes will have to pay extra. This is because life insurance is paid out when a person dies and life insurance companies will try to prolong their payment period as long as possible. Hence, they will be reluctant to insure a person who may not live for the entire insurance period or charge him high rates. The job and hobbies of a person also can determine rates of life insurance.
Those who go in for dangerous, adrenalin rushing sports like white water rafting or skydiving could die due to accidents. Those involved in jobs like mining or an astronaut also put their lives on the line every day. People with dangerous jobs can go in for group life insurance offered by their employers. Others who want to get low cost life insurance must give up dangerous hobbies and improve their health, for otherwise they will definitely pay high insurance rates.
One way out for those with average health is to opt for no medical exam life insurance. By answering a few online health questions, they can get coverage for their families, but at much higher rates. No medical exam life insurance cannot be termed low cost life insurance for insurance providers will charge higher rates to protect the risk they are taking by insuring such people. So, study life insurance quotes carefully before opting for the best policy.
Article by David Livingston of EQuote, who is a specialist in everything life insurance. For more information on life insurance quotes and term life insurance no medical, visit his site today.
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