When choosing a life insurance policy for yourself, you must make sure that you carefully consider all the options available for you. Not all types of life insurance is suitable to just anybody. One type of life insurance may be what one person needs but it may not be suitable to the next person. So be sure to compare one life insurance policy from another life insurance online or through their agents. However, be careful with insurance agents who will fast talk you into taking one type of insurance policy just because he or she will get more compensation in terms of commissions for it.
Term life insurance is life insurance coverage for a fixed time period that commonly ranges from 10 to 30 years. You will get coverage for the term you have selected. However if you die after the term expires, it will not give any coverage. This type is ideal for you if you are building up a family so that you can provide coverage while your kids are still young and financially dependent on you. This will also give your family protection until you will have enough savings in the future. Another advantage of a term life insurance is that it is cheap especially if you get the longer term periods.
On the other hand, cash value life insurance, also known as the universal life insurance, not only gives you coverage but has the option for investment. One advantage you have with this is: you get covered for the rest of your life after purchasing the policy. In a cash value life insurance the premiums you pay include the cost of coverage as well as the amount that will go in to your investment. However, if you want cheaper monthly rates, a cash value life insurance policy may not suit you since their quotes are much higher (3 to 4 times) than term life insurance quotes.
Here is a good analogy some financial planning experts give while choosing a right life insurance. Getting a term life insurance policy is just like renting a house while choosing a cash value or universal life insurance is just like buying and owning the house. With a term life insurance you pay a monthly fee to cover the cost of insuring you. However, if you leave and decide to transfer to a new house, you have to forgo the amount of money you have paid for it in the past. A term life insurance is like this because if your term period has expired, you will no longer be insured even if you have already paid 20 years worth of insurance.
On the other hand, cash value insurance is like buying and owning a house because once you have bought it, you can stay in it as long as you want. This means that you are covered by insurance from the moment that you purchase the policy until the time that you die. Another advantage is that like owning a home, you get to have equity for your home through your mortgage payments. Similarly in cash value insurance a portion on what you pay regularly will go to investment option which you can enjoy once your policy matures. However, you should be careful in considering these policies because some of them will charge you up to 8% for borrowing the cash equivalent of your investment.
Be cautious in choosing the right type of life insurance policy for you that suits your needs. A term life insurance is ideal if you are on the budget and want to start a family but don't have a lot of savings yet. If you are looking for investment options, cash value life insurance may suits you. Whatever the case, it is important to have protection for your family.
Article by David Livingston of EQuote, who is a specialist in everything life insurance. For more information on life insurance term life and term life insurance, visit his site today.
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